hammocks, hammock chairs, hammock stands


I need more information about a product?

We try to put on our site all the information you need to make a wise choice. Information about sizes and specifications are listed under the product description for each item.

In case of further queries please contact me and I will respond within 24 hours on week days.


Can I only place orders online?

You can only order items online through our web store . In case you want to make an inquiry regarding items which are not available through our web site, you are always welcome to contact me.

Ordering online is the safest and most efficient way for us to handle your order.

We are committed to a clear and straightforward shopping experience. We don't bury shipping surcharges, hide handling fees, or shock you with post-order taxes.

Do I need to pay import duty or taxes?

You will pay no duty on our hammocks stocked in the USA. For hammocks coming from another country you will be responsible for any duty fees.

Order confirmation

You will automatically receive an order confirmation directly by e-mail.

Delivery time

All orders will be processed within the 2 next business days. Shipping times vary across USA, but you will usually receive your goods in 2-6 business days.

Please click here for information about shipping rates: